Monday, November 9, 2020

Immigration Boom Bust or Disaster

 Immigration consultant Sunny Wang orchestrated one of the largest immigration scams in Canadian history. The twist in this tale isn’t that the people were trying to sneak into the country; it’s that they were sneaking out, pretending to be Canadian residents while having no intention of living here.

Ghost Immigrants

So-called golden visas are being used by rich foreigners seeking to gain Canadian residency through a controversial Quebec program, despite suspicions of fake documents and dubious assets, a hidden camera investigation reveals. The revelations by the investigative program Enquête pose troubling questions for the Quebec Immigrant Investor Program, which allows foreigners to lend money to the Quebec government in exchange for residency.

Golden visas

Over 100,000 Chinese millionaires have moved to Vancouver, sparking everything from a reality show to a property boom making housing unaffordable. Dateline asks if the millionaire migrants are a blessing or curse.

Millionaire migration

While the Canadian immigration model is celebrated among many here and abroad, a growing number of voices are strongly questioning it

Questioning immigration

Canada has a MERIT-BASED system, while the US prioritizes more FAMILY-based immigration. The CBC’s Matt Kwong tells us how the Canadian and US immigration system differ in terms of TYPE and numbers.

How is Canada’s immigration system different from the U.S.?

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