Thursday, April 25, 2024

Business Assistance for Windsor Start-Ups Relocations Expansions

Start-up Visa Program

Canada’s Start-up Visa Program targets immigrant entrepreneurs with the skills and potential to build businesses in Canada (outside Quebec) that are innovative and can create jobs for Canadians and can compete on a global scale.

Windsor Essex Capital Angel Network 

(WECAN)Windsor Essex Capital Angel Network (WECAN) is a members-only organization comprised of Angel Investors seeking investment opportunities in promising, early-stage businesses.

Downtown Windsor Business Accelerator 

The Downtown Accelerator is an inclusive space where different industries and paths come together to develop and grow entrepreneurial ideas. The Accelerator recently moved to a new 55,000 square foot facility that includes a theatre, skate park, recording studio, arts incubator, meeting space, and co-working space.

Invest Windsor Essex

Invest WindsorEssex is a not-for-profit organization. We provide confidential and expert assistance to companies and entrepreneurs in all sectors. Our focus is to develop, retain, expand, attract and help start up new businesses in the Windsor-Essex region.

The Small Business & Entrepreneurship Centre 

We offer guidance and complimentary professional advice from ideation and concept, through start-up and operation, to the early growth and expansion stages of business. The Small Business & Entrepreneurship Centre operates as a division of Invest WindsorEssex (formerly WindsorEssex Economic Development Corporation) in partnership with the Province of Ontario’s Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade.

WEtech Alliance

We’re a non-profit organization that provides entrepreneurs and companies with business services, training, I.P. and commercialization support, mentorship and strategic connections to help bring new ideas to market, scale to the next level and build a dynamic culture and a community of innovation.

Entrepreneurship Practice and Innovation (EPI-Centre) at the University of Windsor

The Entrepreneurship Practice and Innovation (EPI- Centre) is the central location for entrepreneurial-related activities at the University of Windsor. They are located at the Joyce Entrepreneurship Centre on campus and serve any post-secondary student or recent graduate, not just those attending the University of Windsor.

Genesis Entrepreneurship Centre at St. Clair College

The Genesis Entrepreneurship Centre offers programs, support, and resources to assist guests who are interested in learning about or becoming an entrepreneur. Assistance offered is through one-on-one coaching, networking, and mentorship. Programs are available for people interested in careers in STEM. The Genesis Entrepreneurship Centre supports early ideas and provides referrals out to other community support organizations that offer specialized services.

Junior Achievement

Entrepreneurs drive the Canadian economy, strengthen communities and create jobs.

In JA’s A Business of Our Own program students put on entrepreneurial hats and run their own retail business. Students learn how to start a business, produce and promote their products, track their finances and manage a team. Volunteers from the local business community use experiential blended learning and game-based technology to engage students and ignite their passion for business. In addition to in-class lessons, budding entrepreneurs are now able to continue learning at home through JA's online business simulation.